
Chain rotation is bugged

SMF - 3PTechnology 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 8

I implemented your chain script as descript in https://game4automation.com/documentation/current/chain.html and as you have done in the scene DemoChain. The rotation of my chain elements are not correct and jumps at some points along the chain. All my anchers and all their tangent have rotation (0,0,0). I don't understand what I have done wrong. 

Image 316



I don't know exactly how you would like to align the objects. But playing around with the Align Object and the rotation of the geometry in your Chain Element should do the job. Please check the video:



Did you checked the Align Vector in the ChainElement?


problem was that the case of you model (the chain is rotated in global space) was not considered.

You should use the attached code for ChainElement.cs. See video how I made the setup:


We will integrate this into the next release.


The solution worked for the chain, I was working on. But I tried to make another chain and I had the same problem. I have send you the project again. 


I don't know exactly how you would like to align the objects. But playing around with the Align Object and the rotation of the geometry in your Chain Element should do the job. Please check the video:


It worked, thanks for all your help