json and value
i want to start simulation on CMM robot , i use json data
the data like this
{"mc_access": false, "chuck5": false, "unlock_chuck": false}
how to connect value(true/false) with this robot?
can you explaine with game4automation ?

You might need to write some c# script to read the json data and use the public Drives methods to start the movement (like Drive.MoveTo - see https://game4automation.com/documentation/current/apidoc/html/classgame4automation_1_1_drive.html

oh ya i can read data json but how to apply this value to data
my json like this
"user_frame_x": 1532.42,
"world_pos_x": 330.46,
"user_frame_w": 24.21,
"world_pos_y": -548.81,
"user_frame_cfg": "N U T, 0, -1, 0",
"world_pos_w": 30.24,
"world_pos_z": 787.26,
"current_pos_j1": -48.15,
"world_pos_r": -48.14,
"world_pos_p": 49.23,
"user_frame_r": -59.92,
"current_pos_j4": -261.67,
"world_pos_cfg": "N U T, 0, -1, 0",
"current_pos_j5": -78.58,
"current_pos_j2": -83.43,
"user_frame_z": 1300.41,
"user_frame_y": -447.55,
"user_frame_p": 62.44,
"current_pos_j6": 114.25,
"current_pos_j3": 19.26
can you make example?? simple script to start movement
so i can understand
J1,J2,J3,4,J5,J6 that is fanuc robot
i want control with this value,please help
thanks before

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that expensive, but ok,
I will agree if you prove first you can run this json data and simulate it in 3D
contact me fahrulmr@gmail.com

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