
IK problem

hjl 4 months ago updated 4 months ago 2

1When using the trigonometric solution, was the DH parameter table used to unify and simplify the relative pose relationships between the joints and links of the robotic arm, serving as an auxiliary tool? Or was it purely a trigonometric solution without the DH parameter table?

2:Can I understand it as using a geometric solution, specifically applying trigonometric methods to calculate and handle the relationships between joints and determine the joint angles?

3:I'm using version 2021.05, and I'd like to achieve real-time IK motion for the robotic arm by directly dragging the TCP in play mode, just like in edit mode, where dragging the TCP instantly moves the entire robotic arm via IK. I don't want to drag the TCP to a position and then click "Drive to Target" to initiate the movement

4:Could you share the source code of the IKCalculator.dll file?


1) it is a purely trigonometric solution which is able to caclulate all solutions (for standard industry robot kinematics). No real DH Parameters but positions and distanced of the joints are needed for calculating the solutions.

2) yes it works.

3) this would be possible with some coding 

4) No I am sorry, we can't share the source code of the IK.

Thank you for answering my question.
Thank you very much,

Could you give me some guidance on question3?