Ihre Kommentare

Could you please upload us your full project for testing it on our computers:


You should always use signal.value = true or signal.value = false;

See for example the scripts in the demo model - for example this code:

Sensor Occupied is for example a PLCInputBool Signal

void FixedUpdate()

if (SensorOccupied.Value == false && On && ButtonConveyorOn.Value == true)
StartConveyor.Value = true;
StartConveyor.Value = false;

LampCanAtPosition.Value = SensorOccupied.Value;

Will need to check this with the demo server.

We will need to check this. Can you send the full log - do you know in which line of code it is crashing?

This function is in the 'realvirtualcontroller.cs' and cannot be controlled through the Inspector. If not desired, it can be commented out in the code by searching for 'KeyCode.Escape'. However, we do not recommend doing this.

Regards Christin

Hi, could you provide your Beckhoff Project so that we could check that? Please send it via https://realvirtual.io/send

Oh yes, sorry to mention that the layer also needs to be turned on.

We will check this - it is a bug but it is only the Gizmo (you could turn it off) and it does not impacts any kind the function.

This display of the pink gizmo is a bug - but it is only a displaying issue and is not affecting the kinematic functions itself.


I am not sure if is a bug in our system or if you did something wrong. Can you upload the full project (without the library folder) to 
