Your comments

Question was (translated by Deepl): 
In some projects, Party A is not allowed to access the PLC directly using the signal acquisition tool, but accesses the WEBAPI interface through Party A's device management platform. Is there a convenient way to make this connection in

You would need to implement a custom interface based on the WebApi specification

It looks like the issue you're encountering might be due to using Professional 2022.15 with Simulation 2022.13. To resolve this, please revert to using both Professional 2022.13 and Simulation 2022.13 together.

We're currently working on upgrading both to version 2022.16, which should be available next week. If you need a hotfix in the meantime (a beta version of Simulation 2022.16 and Professional 2022.16), please email us at

Thank you for your patience!

Best regards, Thomas

If you encounter issues, follow these steps to resolve them while keeping references to components in your user scenes:

  1. Close Unity.
  2. Delete the Library folder in your project directory. This action clears cached data and forces Unity to rebuild the project.
  3. Restart Unity. Unity will regenerate necessary files from scratch.
  4. If the problem persists, close Unity again.
  5. Delete the entire realvirtual folder from your project. This action removes all assets and configurations.
  6. Open Unity again. Unity will load without the removed assets, but your scene references should remain intact.
  7. Re-import the Asset. This step ensures that all components are restored, and references in your scenes to components are preserved.

These steps should help resolve most issues while maintaining the integrity of your references to components in your user scenes.

Please turn the DebugMode on on the PLCSimAdvancedInterface and check the log (both console and unity).

Please also replace your PLCSimAdvancedCoupter against this one and send us what you see in the Console log:

Can you send us your console log and tell us what is displayed in the interface status?

Image 1153

Hello, have you deleted something in the project. It seems that some scripts are missing. This may be related to wrong assembly definitions or maybe the scripts are really missing. The first thing you should try is to delete the library folder in the Unity project and restart Unity.

If something in the folder was accidentally deleted or changed, you can try to simply import back into your project. It is always recommended to make backups or use a revision management system such as PlasticSCM.


did you followed this:

Specially did you provided the path to your local Siemens.Simatic.Simulation.Runtime.Api.x86.dll and did you checked if you after starting the simulation find this dll in the streaming assets folder?

Best regards