Your comments

This issue is solved and will be part of the next release (2022.14).

Can you upload your model to and we will check?

Hi, you need to add a Drive behavior ( to the drive e.g. a Drive_DestinationMotor to control the drive and to send it via signals to certain destination position for each axis. Alternatively you could control the Drive via a script and use the Method Drive.DriveTo(float destination) of the Drive.

Maybe you should check  the collider on your MUs. Is it a box collider. Maybe making it bigger (in height) might help.


bitte mal probieren einen Projektpfad ohne Leerzeichen zu verwenden.



Based on the information we can't see what might be the problem. We even don't see if our solution is the reason. There must be more information available. Please check and let us know.

Do you have more logfiles or any hints where the build process is stopping? 

If you want to connect it with hardware you need to use a websocket based protocol. For Beckhoff PLCs you could use Twincat HMI ( or you could use MQTT (which is also working over websocket: or what we will release in the next 2 weeks is our own standard Websocket protocol (

Hi, the deactivated components are in this case correct. We want to prevent the signal update method, which is not needed in this case. Are you maybe writing on PLC inputs which are also available in hardware. In this case you can't force or even set it from realvirtual because the real physical input value can't be changed.