Your comments

Solution is to delete the folder


and to change in the Script SceneMouseNavigationCs the following compile swith at the top and at the end of the script:


against this:

#if (UNITY_EDITOR_WIN || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN)                    

This will exclude Space Navigator from being used by non Windows Systems.

After doing this you need to select manually again (because automatic installation script was not started due to the compile error) Apply Standard Settings:

Will be changed in the next release.

yes today 17:00 CET is fine. Yes I have Zoom - please send an invitation to

Hi Adam,

the certificate implementation is for sure not working. I extended our code and created a certificate with OpenSSL. But still I am not able to connect to our KepServerEX test server. I get the error  "Incomplete private key - missing CRT".

I am not sure if there is something wrong with my openssl generated certificates or it is still an impementation issue. I will post this issue to the LibUA forum, which is the basis Library we are using.

If you would like I could also send you our current status. But as I said with my certificates it is still not working.

The Error message is still releated to SpaceNavigator. Are you sure that the SpaceNavigator Directory is deleted?

As far as I know it should be available for 0€ under this link if you login with your account into the Unity Asset Store:

If you purchased Professional 2021 on May 6 this year you should be able to upgrade for free to Professional 2022.

If there is a problem doing this please send me your invoice and I will check with Unity.

HI Adam,

oh thanks - did not know that the ua-configuration-tool is not available on that link any more. I found a working download here:

For answering your question I would need to do a deep dive on this topic on Monday next week.

You can upgrade your license. When did you purchased it - from the Unity Asset Store or from us directly?


it is only possible to combine Professional 2021 with Simualtion 2021, Professional 2020 with Simulation 2021 is not working.

