Your comments

Nein leider nicht. Es gibt mehrere möglichkeiten einen Roboter bewegen zu lassen. Die beste ist eine externe Inverse Kinematik zu verwenden (RoboDK, ABBRobotStudio....) in der man die Roboterpositionen an einer Robotersteuerung teacht. Der Roboter in Unity ist dann mit den einzelnen Achsen der Robotersteuerung verbunden.

In Game4Automation selbst ist keine Inverse Kinematik enthalten. Hier kann man nur die einzelnen Achsen verfahren was relativ mühsam ist. Im Demomodell haben wir das so gemacht un in einer Unity-Animation die einzelnen Achspositionen festgelegt.

Hi, I just checked.

It is not possible but it will be feasible with some work. We are planning this for the next release. Because of summer vacation this will be available around end of September.

Best regards


I need to check next week if and how we can enable that.

Did you tried to create the PLCOutput object manually - instead of importing it via the symbol table?

No URP seems to work. But the same issue with demo scenes - they are build based on the default render pipeline.

Do you need OPCUA and HDRP in your project?

We are working on the next Update of our OPCUA interface which should be Hololens2 compatible. We will try to solve in this update also the HDRP issue for OPCUA but it might take some weeks.

The OPCUA interface seems not to be compatible with the HDRP render pipeline. If you delete the folder OPCUA4Unity game4automation should work. But all demo models are built for the default Render Pipeline.

The reason is the System.Private.ServiceModel.dll which is needed for the OPCUA dll.

I have no short term workaround for this and I hope that you don't need OPCUA in your HDRP project.

This error does not seem to be directly related to game4automation. Did you import game4automation into an empty project? Are in your project already any packages included?


Game4Automation is only supporting the last Unity LTS (Long Term Stable) Release which is currently 2019.4....

You might get it work with 2020.... but I am sorry, that we can't support this. But generally, it is not a big issue to get it running with a newer version.

2020 will be supported when the 2020 LTS is released which is about 1st quarter of 2021.

Best regards
