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Yes, so we have the Kuka KR210 R2700 prime. 

This is the position, where Axis 1 to 6 are all 0. Our Home Position is [0, 90, -90, 0, 0, 0]. Compared to your tutorials, examples this is a different start Position.This (https://www.kuka.com/-/media/kuka-downloads/imported/8350ff3ca11642998dbdc81dcc2ed44c/0000181027_de.pdf) is the technical data sheet, where I take the angles from.

Image 1278

Image 1279

I set all the axis based on the values provided in the technical datasheet. Next, I pulled over the joints from the model provided (the model is already configured after DH-Parameters).

Image 1280

After placing the CAD Coordinate Systems look a bit different, than the Axis Kosys (maybe one problem?).

We also tried configuring the robot in the configuration where we pretend the home position. Assuming the following image is [0,0,0,0,0,0]

Image 1281

Then it acutally mostly worked, but we had to write a second C# Script to add the offsets, since the position is actually [0,-90,90,0,0,0] but in the best case we want to add this via realvirtual.io and not a second piece of code.

Doing this setup, when sending the Angles to the robot, the robot actually drives to the correct position I ask for, when defining a target. But in the simulation it looks wrong.

Image 1282

Here in the picture above we can see, that the TCP of the endeffector points in the wrong direction (digital twin incorrect). The target kosys however is being reached by the robot in real live, when sending the angles via OPCua. So the inverse kinematics actually works correctly.

Thank your for your help. If this helps I could also send the unity scene. The realvirtual version I'm using is 2022.15.5212.