Hi all,
since the last update I get an LicenseException when building for Android. I only get the error on the device not in the editor.
"LicenseException: The supplied license is not longer supported for this version. You need to renew your support subscription to use this version of the OPC UA Framework Advanced."
I use the OPCUA4Unity asset from the asset store. Since I get this error on already shipped devices I realy need a quick solution. Thank you!

will try to find a quick solution. Could you please tell me the Version of OPCUA4Unity you are using?

I have send you a download link with a new dll to try. Do you experience the same problem on a windows build?

Unfourtunatly, that did not help. I can test with Windows build later today.
Here is the complete Error Message:
LicenseException: The supplied license is not longer supported for this version. You need to renew your support subscription to use this version of the OPC UA Framework Advanced. Please contact your support!
E.a (ca a, System.Func`3[T1,T2,TResult] b, System.Int32[] c) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
Opc.UaFx.Client.OpcClient.9d5kkmew9wufknspdhtqha6c6e79c3xm207a (Opc.UaFx.Services.OpcBrowseRequest a) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
Opc.UaFx.Client.OpcClient.9d5kkmew9wufknspdhtqha6c6e79c3xm207a (Opc.Ua.ViewDescription a, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] b) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
A.a (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList`1[T] a, Opc.Ua.BrowseDescriptionCollection b, Opc.Ua.BrowseDescriptionCollection c) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
A.a (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList`1[T] a, Opc.Ua.BrowseDescriptionCollection b) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
A.a () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
A.MoveNext () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
game4automation.OPCUAConnection.= (Opc.UaFx.Client.OpcNodeInfo ?, game4automation.OPCUANode @, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[game4automation.OPCUANode]& A, System.Boolean B, System.Boolean C) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
game4automation.OPCUAConnection.= (Opc.UaFx.Client.OpcNodeInfo ?, game4automation.OPCUANode @, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[game4automation.OPCUANode]& A, System.Boolean B, System.Boolean C) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
game4automation.OPCUAConnection.= (Opc.UaFx.Client.OpcNodeInfo ?, game4automation.OPCUANode @, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[game4automation.OPCUANode]& A, System.Boolean B, System.Boolean C) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
game4automation.OPCUAConnection.GetAllSubNodes (System.String nodeid) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
game4automation.OPCUA_Interface.ImportNodes () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)

Which Android Version are you building to? Are you using Mono or ILCPP? Are you using .Net20 compatibiltiy?

I tried both Mono and ILCPP, same error. .Net Standard 2.0 and .Net4x also throw the exception. Android version in Editor is 8.1 (minimum) and 9 on the device. I do not think I made it clear: When I use an older version of the OPCUA4Unity asset, it works.

Hi, I can't reproduce the problem. My builds work as expected both Mono and ILCPP.
To reproduce it, it would be necessary for you to send us your project? If needed I could sign an NDA.
Customer support service by UserEcho
I am closing this. We can't reproduce it.