
Tracking Pulses

Paul Brumfitt 5 years ago in General Questions updated by Support 5 years ago 2

Hello there,

I have been messing around with a behaviour interface to add tracking pulses to a drive. It has suddenly dawned on me that you may already have such functionality tucked away somewhere, please let me know before I re-invent the wheel ;)



No we don't send out pulses so far on a drive. But it should be simple to add. I only see a problem if drive is to fast. Pulses could be needed faster than communication cycle is.


No we don't send out pulses so far on a drive. But it should be simple to add. I only see a problem if drive is to fast. Pulses could be needed faster than communication cycle is.

We typically generate a pulse 50/50 over 100mm of belt travel. I guess that the fun would start when you speed the model up a great deal.