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传说故事中国古代历史(中国历史传说) 12 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 12 months ago 1



Compile errors on MQTT interface

MarkH 4 days ago in General Questions updated by Support 2 days ago 5

I wanted to do a fresh install of all the components:

- Unity Hub 3.9.1

- Unity 2022.3.49f1

- Realvirtual-Professional-2022.18

Up to this point everything is working fine.

I copy these folders into the assets directory

Image 1218

After adding REALVIRTUAL_BESTHTTP3 to the scripting define symbols I get compile errors:

Image 1220

After adding REALVIRTUAL_BESTMQTT3 to the scripting define symbols I get additional compile errors:

Image 1221

What did I do wrong and how can I fix it?


How to cummunicate with an ABB robot through the Externally Guided Motion (EGM) interface?

MonkeyKing 1 month ago in General Questions updated by Support 4 weeks ago 8


I'm trying to build a simple Digital Twin of an ABB robot. I'd like to use the Externally Guided Motion (EGM) interface provided by ABB to realize the real-time fast communication between the robot and my Unity sence with the help of realvirtual.io. However, there is no EGM interface in realvirtual.io. Does it mean that I have to build a ABB EGM custom interface by myself? I'm a green hand of Unity and C#. If I have to do that by myself, apart from a brief introduction to "custom interfaces" in the documentation of realvirtual.io, are there any other effective reference materials? Could you please provide some advice and assistance? Thanks a lot.

Support 1 month ago


If you're unfamiliar with Unity and C#, I highly recommend learning the basics first. Implementing an interface without this foundational knowledge would be very tough.

Regarding the suggestion to "use any of the existing interfaces as a blueprint and delete everything that is PLC/interface-specific"—what I meant is that you should reuse the C# code (the one script) of an existing interface and remove everything that's specific to that particular interface inside this script. However, doing this requires a good understanding of C# so that you can navigate and comprehend the code.

The parts you remove need to be replaced by C# code tailored to your custom interface (in your case, EGM, where you seem to have some examples on Github). 

That said, simply copying and pasting code won't work in my opinion. You need a decent level of C# knowledge to properly implement and modify a custom interface.

Best regards



Fehler bei Plattformwechsel von Windows zu Android für Meta Quest 3 Build

jnthn. 2 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 2 weeks ago 3

Image 1182

Hallo zusammen!

Diesen Fehler bekomme ich direkt beim Plattformwechsel von Windows zu Android. In dieser Szene befindet sich kein realvirtual GameObject und auch keine Assets dergleichen. Das Paket ist jedoch natürlich im Projekt enthalten. 

Support 2 weeks ago

Eigentlich sollte über die AssemblyDefinitions SharedMemory für Android ausgeschlossen sein. Vom Pfad her scheint es sich um eine ältere Version zu handeln. Um welche realvirtual Version handelt es sich. Notfalls einfach den Folder realvirtual/private/Interfaces/SharedMemory löschen.


TwinCat HMI Interface | Error in Connection

Andrea 2 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 2 weeks ago 7

Ich wollte wissen, ob jemand Erfahrung im Umgang mit dem TwinCat HMI Interface hat, insbesondere mit Einstellungen die man eventuell im TwinCat Projekt vornehmen muss. 
Ich habe zur Zeit das Problem, dass ich mit dem realvirtual TwinCat HMI Interface keine Verbindung zu meinem HMI Server herstellen kann. Über TwinCat ADS klappt es. 
TwinCAT HMI | realvirtual.io User Documentation Die Einstellungen die hier vorgegeben werden, sind bei mir genauso. 
Deswegen frage ich mich, ob es vielleicht an Einstellungen in meinem TwinCat Projekt liegt, also z.B. SSL/TLS verwenden oder nicht usw. 


plc input disappear in

Cris 2 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 2 weeks ago 2


I created a Measure Raycast and linked with PLC Input Float, but when I start simulation the tag disappear and does not

communicate with PLC.

How can I fix?


Image 1162

Image 1164


About device interface interconnection

ZhangFengMing 2 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 2 months ago 3

在一些项目中,不允许甲方使用信号采集工具直接访问PLC,而是通过甲方的设备管理平台访问WEBAPI接口。在 realvirtual.io 中,有没有方便的方法来进行这种连接?

Support 2 months ago

Question was (translated by Deepl): 
In some projects, Party A is not allowed to access the PLC directly using the signal acquisition tool, but accesses the WEBAPI interface through Party A's device management platform. Is there a convenient way to make this connection in realvirtual.io?

You would need to implement a custom interface based on the WebApi specification


Webgl Export wird in WinCC Unified nicht angezeigt

thilo weinbrenner 3 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 3 months ago 2


Hallo, ich habe das Demoprojekt von Realvirtual.io als Webgl 1 exportiert und möchte es als Custom Web Control in WinCC Unified einbinden. Die Schnittstelle ist erstmal egal, weil es im DemoModus läuft.

In Projektierungsmodus kann ich das Modell auch sehen. In der Runtime kommt leider ein weißes Fenster mit einem kleinen "Sorry" Icon oben links in der Ecke

Image 1143


An error message occurred during WebGL packaging

haoyu yi (Hari) 4 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 3 months ago 2


I'm trying to package the webgl project now, but after I deleted the relevant folder as required, the build still gets the error, please how can I fix it.

Image 1135

Building Library\Bee\artifacts\WebGL\build\debug_WebGL_wasm\build.js failed with output:
emcc2: error: '"D:/Program Files/2021.3.32f1c1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/WebGLSupport/BuildTools/Emscripten/binaryen\bin\wasm-opt" --strip-dwarf --post-emscripten --no-exit-runtime -O3 --low-memory-unused --zero-filled-memory --strip-debug --strip-producers Library/Bee/artifacts/WebGL/build/debug_WebGL_wasm/build.wasm -o Library/Bee/artifacts/WebGL/build/debug_WebGL_wasm/build.wasm --mvp-features' failed (3221226505)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

BuildFailedException: Incremental Player build failed!
UnityEditor.Modules.BeeBuildPostprocessor.PostProcess (UnityEditor.Modules.BuildPostProcessArgs args) (at :0)
UnityEditor.WebGL.WebGlBuildPostprocessor.PostProcess (UnityEditor.Modules.BuildPostProcessArgs args) (at /Volumes/jenkins1/sharedspace/ra_2021.3/PlatformDependent/WebGL/Extensions/Unity.WebGL.extensions/BuildPostprocessor.cs:179)
UnityEditor.Modules.DefaultBuildPostprocessor.PostProcess (UnityEditor.Modules.BuildPostProcessArgs args, UnityEditor.BuildProperties& outProperties) (at :0)
UnityEditor.PostprocessBuildPlayer.Postprocess (UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup targetGroup, UnityEditor.BuildTarget target, System.Int32 subtarget, System.String installPath, System.String companyName, System.String productName, System.Int32 width, System.Int32 height, UnityEditor.BuildOptions options, UnityEditor.RuntimeClassRegistry usedClassRegistry, UnityEditor.Build.Reporting.BuildReport report) (at :0)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr, Boolean&)


Help doing a basic project.

G Tardio 5 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 5 months ago 6

I want to do a project that looks like the demo, but i have tried to do it modifying the demo but i have no clue. I am looking on how to do a conveyor with a sensor at the end. I want to make two sources, two cans with different heigts, one one (i would like to make them appear random, but that i will try to do it further along the project since i guess is harder). Then the ones that are high enough to make the sensor go on, to grap them and put them on a parallel conveyor. When a can touches the first conveyor, i want the conveyor to stop until it is picked up. 
later on, i would like to connect this to a plc siemens, so i would like to get started this project by projecting it on this goal (meaning to put the sensor as an output, something like that)
I am looking for help to put me in the path on completing the project because i do not know how to start and i have watched the tutorials. Any help is appreciated.
thank you