
OPCUA4Unity Adding Monitored Items to Subscription.

JacobKreck 5 years ago in OPCUA4Unity updated 4 years ago 7

Hello, I'm currently working on a project that requires reading of thousands of node values. Currently your documentation implies we should subscribe to nodes using OPCInterface.Subscribe() however, this makes a new subscription for each value which quickly reaches a limit. Is there a procedure for adding new monitored items to a single subscription?



Ho Jacob, we have now a beta whoch is able to have the needed limits. It is currently tested by a few customers and will be released soon.

If you are interest I can send you the beta.

Best regards



Thank you for the quick reply, glad to hear this will be implemented in the next release. Unfortunately this functionality is required for my project, so the speed of your reply is greatly appreciated. For now, I will see if I can poll using a separate thread. 

Satisfaction mark by JacobKreck 5 years ago


currently this is not supported but I checked the OPCUA documentation and technically this is possible. We will add this feature to the next release (in about 1 month). Until we implemented that, you will need to poll or reduce the number of subscriptions.

Best regards



Hi Jacob,

we implemented it in our Unity2019.4 LTS beta. Do you want to test it. Your project must be on 2019. Now one subscription can handle multiple values. What I remarked was that OPCUA server might be slower with to much subscriptions.

For sending you a beta I will need your Unity Invoice Number - and a good rating in the Asset Store if it works ;-)

Best regards


Hi Thomas. 

That's excellent to hear! You have saved me a real nightmare. I would love to be involved, My Invoice number is IN010200767764. I'll need to upgrade the project, but I'll branch and do that now. 

I guarantee a good review :) 

Thanks again,


Hi Jacob,

if I understand you right you will need to have a limit to the number of monitored items per subscription. We could generate a new subsription when we are reaching this limit.

Currently there is only one subscription for an infinite number of monitored items.

If I understood you right we are going to put this into the next release. Planned for end of september.

Best regards


Hey Thomas,

Thanks for the quick reply.  

That is exactly correct. As far as I am aware all OPCUA Servers have a limit on total number of monitored items per subscription. 

The end of September sounds amazing, thank you.


Ho Jacob, we have now a beta whoch is able to have the needed limits. It is currently tested by a few customers and will be released soon.

If you are interest I can send you the beta.

Best regards



You have no idea how much I would love to get the beta.

Thank you soo much!


Jacob :)