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PLCSIM interface

Kévin vor 4 Jahren aktualisiert vor 3 Jahren 7

It is normal that the connection between PLCSIM interface and PLCSIM advanced is hard to connect?

The first connection work each time when I click play in Unity. However the next connection is realy random and most of the time it is not easy to connect. I have to restrat Unity or the PC.


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Yes, Just checked the PLCSIM Advanced interface intensively yesterday and I was not able to see any connection problems. If you still have problems, please send us your PLCSIMAdvanced memory card content, the TIA Portal project and the full Unity project and I will check on my computer.

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Hmmm, this seems to be a bug. We will need to check on our computers.

Have you resolved the bug?

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Yes, Just checked the PLCSIM Advanced interface intensively yesterday and I was not able to see any connection problems. If you still have problems, please send us your PLCSIMAdvanced memory card content, the TIA Portal project and the full Unity project and I will check on my computer.

I have already send you the project. I hope you can find the bug.

When I modify 2 signals (input) in Unity, will the 2 signals  be modified at the time in PLC?

Is there a priority in the modification of signal. For exemple, if I modify 2 signals which change a variable, will the first signal in the interface change it at the end or the second signal?

I checked again your question. Maybe there is a misunderstanding. In each communication cycle all Input and Output signals are exchanged with the PLC at the same time. So if you modify the signals in Unity they will be both modified at the same time (same PLCCycle) inside PLCSim Advanced.

Thank you, but when I say the bug is the connection problem I said at the beginning.