
Bidirectional communication with "Starter"- version or other version possible?

Leon vor 6 Jahren in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional aktualisiert von Support vor 6 Jahren 4


I would like to create a digital twin of an already existing system, which is using a S7-1500 controller.

Is the basic version capable to create a bidirectional communication between the digital twin and the real system?

Does a change in state of the physical object directly lead to a change in state of the digital twin and the other way around?





Hi Leon,

1) yes this is the case. In Professional there is the 3MF interface included (since yesterday). You can directly import from all CAD-Systems which are able to export 3MF. Professional will get aditional features fur the 3MF interface like Updating, Mesh reduction .....

2) Yes you only need to buy and use PixYZ if you want to import the mentioned formats. Which CAD System are you using. For Solidworks we will have soon addtional export functions (as Solidworks makro) which will be more than what PIXYZ is able to do (like export kinematics).

3) Yes, 3MF with Game4Automation Professional - the rest is standard unity.

4) Yes it is. The 3MF interface is just a script attached to a GameObject. You can use it also in Runtime (during simulation).

Best regards


Wird überprüft

Yes, there is a bidirectional communication between the PLC and the Digital Twin in Unity. You can read PLC Outputs and write PLC Inputs.

Difference between Starter and Professional Version are the Interfaces - in Starter only TCP-IP with S7 in Professional additional Shared Memory (Simit), OPC-UA and PLCSimAdvanced. Professional also includes CAD interface. Starter not.



Hi Thomas,

thanks for the quick response!

I have some more questions regarding to the CAD interface:

1.) "Professional also includes CAD interface" means I can import 3MF File Formats additional to standard unity formats: .fbx, .dae (Collada), .3ds, .dxf, and .obj files (https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/3D-formats.html)?

2.) PiXYZ CAD interface is only needed to import JT, AutoCAD 3D, Catia, NX, Solidworks, Solidedge, Creo- Pro/E formats?

3.) 3MF File Formats AND .fbx, .dae (Collada), .3ds, .dxf, and .obj files can be integrated without PiXYZ CAD interface?

4.) Is it possible to include 3MF File Formats during simulation aswell?




Hi Leon,

1) yes this is the case. In Professional there is the 3MF interface included (since yesterday). You can directly import from all CAD-Systems which are able to export 3MF. Professional will get aditional features fur the 3MF interface like Updating, Mesh reduction .....

2) Yes you only need to buy and use PixYZ if you want to import the mentioned formats. Which CAD System are you using. For Solidworks we will have soon addtional export functions (as Solidworks makro) which will be more than what PIXYZ is able to do (like export kinematics).

3) Yes, 3MF with Game4Automation Professional - the rest is standard unity.

4) Yes it is. The 3MF interface is just a script attached to a GameObject. You can use it also in Runtime (during simulation).

Best regards
