Two Fixer fix MU
Now,i met a problem about Fixer,I want Fixer1 Fix MU ,and MU is fixed by Fixer,
When i use fixer2 based on Signal release, MU will Drop
When i use release On Collission Non MU, MU cant fixed by Fixer1. It toggles back and forth between captured states
Maybe When release Fix2,Mu maybe drop,and it's been fixed again
Fixer 2
Customer support service by UserEcho
We removed release on collssion non MU in latest release and also did some changes on the Fixer. Please check with the latest version (2021.16). There should also be a solution for your situation how you can solve it without "Release on collission non MU". You should update because in some signal conditions fixer did not worked properly in versions before 2021.16.