Robot IK path to path bounce
I've taken your prefab Stauebli robot and the path it comes with and simply made a second copy of the path then run the two paths in sequence by using Start Next Path. You can see in the video that the robot TCP jumps when transitioning from Path 1 to 2. Is there a way to correct this?
There are no Position Corrections applied or new TCP.
I have seen this in all the pathing that I have tried, regardless if Position Correction or new TCP is used. Some correction (bounce) happens when moving from one path to another.
It's a big issue because very often a path into a position is not the same as a path out (in a pick and place application) and this issue creates unusable behavior in this situation.
Video https://i.imgur.com/hsgUAv5.gif

I was able to repeat this behaviour in my environment and passed it on to my colleagues to look for a solution.
Regards Christin

Hi, is there any progress to report on this issue? Maybe a work around?

Hi, I am still working on it. For the moment there is no workaround. I am trying to get this week a solution.

The issue is solved in a beta package, which is available to our customers. Will be included in the next release (upcoming 2022.10).
Customer support service by UserEcho
The issue is solved in a beta package, which is available to our customers. Will be included in the next release (upcoming 2022.10).