
PATH IK and target problem

digitaltwin 1 year ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 1 year ago 7

I followed the inverse kinematics tutorial. I am using the ABB IRB 1300 robot. The issue I am having is that my robot's TCP is not aligned to the root. It is causing issues and when using the Path IK, the target is not showing (red dot) and the robot's not moving at all. My friend is also having a problem with the Path IK, the target was stated to be unreachable. 

Under review

It is hard to tell you what the issue is based on the information you provided. Can you send the model which is not working for you (full Unity project) via https://realvirtual.io/send?

hi, I have sent the file 5 days ago, is there any updates?



I've checked your scene. On part4 is a rotation on the drive which causes the issue (part7 and 8 also have small rotations). Please make sure to set up the kinematic according to our tutorial. Empty gameobjects with the correct position, drive and no rotation. Below this your mesh. Let me know if there are further issue after a changed set up.

Regards Christin

What is the issue with part 4, the rotation?. I have followed the tutorial exactly except creating a separate game object for the axis as I have already set it in Blender. I asked previously in the forum if I could directly add the Drive component in the subparts of the robot and I was told that it shouldn't create any issues.

Image 1017

For the other robot, IRB 910SC under the scene 2ndtryPluginIRB910sc, I created an empty gameobject for each axis but still am facing issues with it. The robot does not follow the target, the target (red circle) does not show up, it shows up as unreachable and when I press play the robot does not move. 

May I ask, where should the TCP be, the last component or the last component that has a Drive?

Image 1018

hi, do you have any updates?

hi, I'm still facing the same issues and we really need to get the project running, I would really appreciate it if you could reply ASAP. 

I am sorry, we are still in vacation period. We are going to start working again with the full team next week. Can you please send us again your latest project where the problem occurs (the transfers are already deleted). Sorry and thanks a lot.