
Can't import nodes of Beckhoff OPC UA Server in Unity Editor

BatuOx4S vor 1 vor einem Jahr in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional aktualisiert von Support vor 1 vor einem Jahr 4


I recently purchased realvirtual for Unity and I am trying to get familiar with the demo application.

For future projects it is necessary to keep up OPC UA connections with Beckhoff TwinCat PLCs and Siemens PLCs.

For now I work with a Beckhoff PLCs that runs demo code and a OPC UA server on it.

Connecting to the OPC UA Server with OpcWatch or UaExpert is no issue (security = None)

Image 1033

My Unity configuration looks like this:

Image 1034

However trying to connect in the Unity Editor results in the following error message.

Image 1035

I tried applying standard setting and also connecting to a local python opc ua server without success.

Connecting to the PLC with the TwinCATInterface object however worked well (for future applications a wireless connection on android devices are mandatory).

Unity Version:

realvirtual version: release 2022.07 07. September 2023

I hope I delivered sufficient information.

Thanks in advance.


Wird überprüft

Hi, could you provide your Beckhoff Project so that we could check that? Please send it via https://realvirtual.io/send


after looking through the OPCUA_Interface.cs file. I found that there was a problem in line 216.

IPAddress ipAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry(ServerIP).AddressList[0];

After commenting this line of code out, the connection was established and I was able to read the notes etc.

So my question now is, what does the line do and is it crucial for runtime?



This line is unnecessary. We deleted it and it will corrected in the next release. There is no impact on removing this line. Sorry.