
Meta Quest 3 VR Main Camera

jf9 12 months ago updated by Support 12 months ago 3


I have a question regarding the Main Camera in the realvirtual gameobject. I've searched through the forum and saw a 3 year old post where you suggest to just delete or deactivate the realvirtual main camera. When I do that, the realvirtual controller script component in the realvirtual gameobject deactivates itself. What i did for now is increasing the rendering priority of my XR Origin Main Camera to avoid issues. Is there a better solution to this?

Image 1044

Image 1045


Under review

I don't know which version you are exactly using. Just deactivating the Gameobject with the Main Camera should work.  Can you send me the line of code which is creating the null reference. Maybe a null check there is helping.

Under review

I don't know which version you are exactly using. Just deactivating the Gameobject with the Main Camera should work.  Can you send me the line of code which is creating the null reference. Maybe a null check there is helping.

2022.07.3438 (Unity 2022.3.2f1)

Image 1046


Please change it like that - it seems that you are using an old release:

if (currentSelectionRaycast != null)
currentSelectionRaycast.IsActive = false;