
About the most package

ZhangFengMing vor 6 Monaten aktualisiert vor 6 Monaten 2

您好,由于我更新  Professional 2022.15版本后报错,项目无法正常进行下去,并且unity包管理器里面没有历史版本下载2022.13,导致我无法进行工作,我已经给邮箱发送我的发票号但是没有收到关于Professional 2022.16 and Simulation 2022.16回复, 请您有空发送邮箱给我2022.13或2022.16的Professional和Simulation 的包。



I think you are talking about the mail yesterday evening. We are working in the European Timezone. I expect that we can fix all issues and release 2022.16 today.

Sorry, I didn't take the time zone into consideration. My project is on hold, so I'm in a hurry. Come on, wait for the good news of your victory.