
Handing over MU between two grippers

Andreas 7 months ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 6 months ago 4


how to solve the following problem in handing over situations:

- gripper 1 grips MU. MU is now attached to gripper 1

- some transfering is done

- gripper 2 grips MU. MU is gripped by gripper 1 and gripper 2. MU is now attached to gripper 2

If gripper 2 opens now, the MU is no longer attached to gripper 2 and falls down. 

What I want to achieve is:

Gripper 1 is still closed and the MU should now be attached to gripper 1 again. 

How can I solve this? 

I realized that the Property of MU (Script) "Parent Before Fix" doesn't get updated between handover of two Grip (Scripts).

Image 1161

Gripper 1: St.20_RobotGripper

Gripper 2: RT_Pos2_Gripper

Thank you for any advices.

Under review

It seems the issue is that the part is being gripped by two components, which is something we currently don't support. Typically, we use a combination of a Fixer (for the passive part) and a Gripper (for the active part). In the coming days, I'll be creating a test model to explore whether we can extend the functionality of the Gripper to address this.


I thought I can do a workaround by using the property "Parent Before Fix" but it's not updated in the MU script when MU get gripped by two grip scripts.

Looking forward for your solution. ;-)