
Read Node not getting values for arrays

Mike Mar 4 months ago in OPCUA4Unity updated 4 months ago 5


i´m using the OPCUA4Unity standalone package to communicate with my opc server.

Everything is setup correctly and i can connect to the server, import and read nodes.
Unfortunatly i cant get values for arrays though.

Example for the absolutePosition node:
The OPCUA_Node is recognizing that the node is an Array, but still wont fill in any actual values.

Image 1179

I doublechecked the values of the node using the OPCWatch tool:

Image 1180

I cant find anything related in the forums or the documentation.
How to handle arrays?

Kind regard


Under review

Don't know why the array is not imported on your side. Can you try manually setting the array Nodes like this:

Image 1183

Hello, thanks for the response.
Tried setting it up as shown in your screenshot for a test node - no luck so far.


Image 1184


Image 1185


Image 1186

testStringArray1d node:

Image 1187

Anything i´m missing here?

Kind regards


Will check it this afternoon on my computer. 


Hi Mike,

I checked, you are right, the arrays have not been updated in the Inspector List of OPCUA Node. We will publish this with an official update next week. Will also extend the documentation for arrays.  I will send you with a private message a full OPCUA Update including an example how to read an array with code by subscribing to it.

Best regards

Hi Thomas,

thanks for the quick solution.
Ill tryout the updated version.

Kind regards