
Problem with GuidedMu when MU has a fixed MU on it

Andreas 7 months ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 6 months ago 3


I use a guided transport system with a GuidedMU on it. 

This MU (WT-2) is getting loaded with another MU (Can) which gets fixed on it by a fixer.

After the WT-2 is lowered again it should actually get moved by TransportGuided system. But it is just shaking a bit, moving barely. After I delete the Can which is fixed on it, the WT-2 starts moving immediately. 

The WT-2 has a GuidedMU (Script) on it and the property "IsFixed" is true when the WT is lifted and false again after it's lowered and should move.

Image 1181

Sometimes it's working though the WT-2 gets moved normal with the Can fixed on it but somestimes not.

I'm not sure where the issue is and try to understand why it is not working properly.

Thank you in advance.


Under review

I think we need the model for checking what is going wrong.

I have sent you the project.

Thank you for your help!