
About the problem of reconnecting the s7plc to the caton

ZhangFengMing vor 2 Monaten aktualisiert von Support vor 2 Monaten 1

Hello, I have a question. If there are a lot of devices with a lot of IP, the PLC that is not turned on will be reconnected over time, and reconnecting the PLC over time will cause the program to stall, which will greatly affect the use. May I ask how to solve the problem of reconnecting over and over?



Hi, there would be changes in the code needed. Currently we don't assume that devices are off and on during simulation. The source code is open you would need to change the way how reconnection is done - maybe by using the new Awaitable System in Unity6


Hi, there would be changes in the code needed. Currently we don't assume that devices are off and on during simulation. The source code is open you would need to change the way how reconnection is done - maybe by using the new Awaitable System in Unity6