
Add Box Collider on on curve safeguard

DX Eastfound 2 weeks ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 2 weeks ago 3

Hi there,

May I know how do i add box collider on a curve safeguard so that i can ensure my carton box move within the conveyor?


Image 1297


Hi, this will be on my opinion nearly impossible with colliders due to Unity physics limitations. Transport will not be stable. Better is in this case to use GuidedTransport: https://doc.realvirtual.io/components-and-scripts/motion/guided-transport

Thanks for the quick feedback :)

--Continue with the questions --

Since I am helping my customer to simulate the real time reflect on the reality,

we would like to add the safeguard height and radius as a factor within the conveyor system to flow the carton box.

if just using guided transport, how do we ensure it works?

What do you mean exactly?  For the height, the guided transport needs to be aligned with your pivot point of the MU. The radius can be set.