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Workflow for updating CAD model

MarkH vor 1 Monat in General Questions aktualisiert von Support vor 1 Monat 3

I have created a scene based on a prefab by importing a CAD model. I decorated this prefab by adding groups of objects and colliders. Furthermore I created a kinematic structure that references to the groups.

Later on my CAD model had some changes and I wanted to reimport the CAD model. After the reimport all groups and colliders are gone. And I was also not able to undo the reimport ...

Is this how it should work? What workflow should I use to reimport CAD models that prevents loosing groups and colliders?

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Hi Mark,

did you used CAD Updater (https://doc.realvirtual.io/basics/cad-import/cad-updater).

Usually we used this so far without prefabs (so when the mesh data has been in the model) after a standard CADLink import. Don't know how it behaves with Prefabs - this could be something we should examine a little bit more.

I didn't use CAD updater, I pressed re-import (pixyz) by accident and discovered that all my groups and colliders where gone. I never tested CAD updater, but I have to find out how these imported prefabs work together with CAD updater.

Ok, if something does not works for the prefabs with PIXYZ please let us know. Basically we are just exchanging the meshes and the rest should be unchanged if you update.