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Please check that the TwinCATHMI Asembly Definitions are like that - or, if you don't need, delete fully TwinCATHMIin your project.

Image 1224

Please also try to close Unity, delete the Library folder out of the project and restart the project. Based on this it works on my machine. 

You schould create your own script as a copy of one of the examples behavior models - for example of drive_destinationmotor.

Yes CalcFixedUpdate is called at the end by Unity FixedUpdate. Please check this about the update sequence. It is I think not important for your application, you could also use Unitys FixedUpdate but you should know the basics:


Is your application a commercial one?If yes maybe you could think about purchasing some support hours from our side.

you should do your code in fixedupdate then this will be called fast enough.

Also you could check "isatdestination". 

All relevant communication stuff is done in OPCUA_Interface.cs. If I understand your request correctly you need to read nodes based on the Hexadezimal string. We are using LibUA as a basis library (https://github.com/nauful/LibUA).. You would also need to check if the underlying library is supporting the Hexadezimal string. I am sorry, for the moment I can't tell you more without doing a deep dive on our side into this issue.

the second - set true, checkisdriving and set false

Ah ok. I would need the full project for checking what is going wrong in your setup.

Please upload to https://realvirtual.io/send

See my other comment below. It would take some time but I put it on the wishlist for tutorials.

Hi, we used a 3 Gameobjects at TCP, one parent of each other, each is having a Drive for each Direction X,Y,Z. Then we used standard Unity Joints to attach the "arms" of the delta robot.

See also here the Doc about Unity Joints:
