Your comments
Hi Andrea,
That does sound like unusual behavior. Since nothing has changed on the interface code side, it's a bit tricky to pinpoint the root cause.
Would it be possible for you to test this with a minimal project setup? For instance, you could use PLCSim Advanced with the TCP/IP interface to check if the same issue persists. This approach could help isolate whether the problem lies within your current project or the interface itself.
Let us know what you find!
Best regards,
thanks for your questions. Here are our answers:
1) no you cant reverse the direction because the IK is based on a certain setup.
2) no you cant - robot needs to be in a defined 0 position
3) why do you need to have the "real" axis positions - If in real robot axis are inverted or with an offset - I think it is more important that IK inside realvirtual is working. Otherwise you could connect your real robot controller and use an interface.
Best regards
What do you mean exactly? For the height, the guided transport needs to be aligned with your pivot point of the MU. The radius can be set.
Hi, Materials are usually pink if material are not available or material can not be displayed because of wrong render settings (render pipeline). Maybe you imported realvirtual into a base project with a totally different render pipeline settings. Please check this and try changing your render pipeline:
Our render pipeline switcher is automatically updating all material settings if needed.
Hi, this will be on my opinion nearly impossible with colliders due to Unity physics limitations. Transport will not be stable. Better is in this case to use GuidedTransport:
Hi, there would be changes in the code needed. Currently we don't assume that devices are off and on during simulation. The source code is open you would need to change the way how reconnection is done - maybe by using the new Awaitable System in Unity6
Hi, I can't tell you in detail why the negotiated Pdu lenght is like that. We use Sharp7 as a basis library for the S7 communication. I think this defines the length of the telegrams but it does not defines the number of the signals. If needed multiple telegrams are send for covering all signals. On AreaReadWrite Mode you sould enter min and max adress - so if your DB is 100.X to 140.X you should enter 100 and 140.
did you use the parent drive function of the transportsurface? I know that there has been latest a bug which has been fixed but parent drive function is needed. Are you using latest 2022 or V6 Version? Please check also Demo Scene “MovingTransportsurfaces” which should show you how it needs to be modeled.
Best regards
Hi, OPCUA is only the interface. For the digital twin models you would need Starter or Professional.
What do you mean with Siemens TIA Portal connected devices? OPCUA is usually used for connecting to a Physical PLC (also PLCSimAdvanced should work).
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We never used subgraphs - need to check - but I assume that this is so by design, you need to tell the subgraph everytime which drive. My personal opinion is that Graphs can be used for very simple things but in complexer controls it is much better to use c#