Ihre Kommentare


we tested and everything is as it should be.

Maybe you did not updated (downloaded the new package of 2022.10) in the package manager (Update Button in the top right corner of Pakackage manager). After Update you need to Import.

Best regards


Image 1041


please inform us about the version from which you initiated the update. Additionally, it would be helpful to see one of the error messages in its entirety. Thank you.

Regards Christin

This line is unnecessary. We deleted it and it will corrected in the next release. There is no impact on removing this line. Sorry.

I think you will need to delete fully old OPCUA folder and then import the new unitypackage.

I think usually you should not use linear guides because physical friction is always a little bit problematic.

You can use your own custom physics material in the collider:

Hi, is there any interface inside which is trying to reconnect every 10 seconds?

You can use the Unity profiler to check what happens in the very slow frames:


Best regards
