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Hi, for writing per code directly to the OPCUA server I would recommend to do it using the OPCUA nodes ike described down here:


If should also work like you described. Do you have a simple model to check what you did? If not I will build a demo myself tomorrow.

Hi Dat,

I uploaded Version 1.020 to Unity's Asset Store. This should fix the problems. You can now use pure .Net4.0 projects. Also CADLink is now able to compile wit .Net4.0 settings.

It will be availabe latest on Monday on the store.


I tested your upload and Parts4Cad is working and the client is starting. I used exactly your uploaded project. Are you using a Windows machine. Parts4Cad client is only working on windows. Do you have any special security settings?


CADLink imports 3mf files. They can be loaded during editor or in the next releas also in builds. I will update soon CADLink so it is also running in builds (there was an issue wich is already solved in our beta).

The 3mf files can be part of the Unity Build if you put them into the StreamingAssetsFolder or you access any 3mf file on the file system of the computer.

The next release, without the need of using .Net2 compatibility, will be most probably in the beginning of next week.

Best regards



    I checked. You need to set API Compatibility Level to Net.4 - this made the SHM Interface work in my build:

    This change might cause that CADLink is not working (this was the case on my installlation). Please delete the full CADLink folder and you should be able to compile with pure .NET4.X.

    We will try to get rid of the need for using anywhere .NET 2.X

    Best regards



    I will check that tomorrow morning.

    Best regards 


    I have send the mail to the mailadress you mentioned. I delete your last message because it is better - in this public forum - not to publish the mail adress. I will send you an email again.

    Hi, Is parts4cad now working for you? If not please give me your project (I have send you an email where you can upload it). I need to check in your project why it is not working for you. We can't see a problem here on our installations.

    Best regards
