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I sent the package again yesterday.

Thank you for your time.


I sent two packages, one two weeks ago and a fixed version on monday via this link: https://game4automation.com/send

When should I hope to receive a review of my project?

Thank you in advance for your answer.

Thank you for your answer.
I sent a minified version of my project in the "send" section of the site so you can take a look at what I'm doing.

Hopefuly we can figure out what I'm doing wrong!

I finally managed to read those structures, thank you!

Last problem (or so I hope) about structures: now I have to write an updated structure on the server. I tried to use the WriteNode function. I tried to convert it to binary, following the structure I get when reading, but it doesn't seem to be the intended way to write, as I can see the value being changed from ExtensionObject to ByteArray in UAExpert.

Can you help me with this last one? Thank you in advance! 

After some tests, I'm realizing I'm not sure how to use thiese binary Array. Do you know where I can find an example of mapping? I tried using the BinaryFormatter, but I can't make it work.

When importing nodes, it seems that my root node WorkOrderVariable will have the values of the custom type WorkOrderStatusType, while StatusComments contains an array of bit, each refering to an entry in the array StatusComment of type WorkOrderStatusType.

What should I read? I tried using the BinaryReader to get the different fields and got at best a noised Actor name.

Here are screenshots of the object I'm interested in viewed with UAExpert, of the different gameobjects generated by Gamautomation and my hierarchy. 

Thanks for your answer.

Not really, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything. I 'm not really used to work with bytes, maybe that's just it. I'll try to work with that. 

Thank you for your quick answer!