Modbus TCP/IP support
I. was wondering if Modbus TCP / IP support was planned in the near future.
Modbus is very well supported in the open source world and would enable they use of a large selection of pre-existing software, hardware and PLCs, in North American particularly.

for which PLCs do you need modbus? I just did a quick research about Modbus and there seems to be c#.net libraries available. How to you get the assignment to Real, Byte or Integer Values in Modbus. Is there a standard for defining and importing signal lists?
In Europe we don't have much PLCs which are using Modbus so I don't know anything about it so far.
If we would have a partner / tester we could easily implement that to Game4Automation Professional. Are you interested? Which PLCs could you use for testing the Beta?
If you wish to help us please send an email to info@game4automation.com. Thanks.

We use modbus in WEG PLC300 , mitsubishi FX3u, schneider and much more.

Hello brother,I want connect fx3u to game4automation with modbus,but I aways failed,can you tell me what should I do?I really need that,please teach me my brother.

How to use Modbus on G4A side is described here:
G4A works as a Modbus server so your PLC needs to write and read from the modbus registers by some small PLC code. We don't have any knowledge about fx3u so you would need to take care about the fx3u side by yourself.
Best regards

Hello Thomas
I tried Modbus but I have some issues。Here is what I did:
1,Build a project in GXWorks2 and use a PLC Simulator(LY凌一PLC模拟器)
2,Download program into simulator and Start Modbus TCP
3,I tried Factory IO Modbus TCP Client driver and it seems succed but when I press Read from server it shows:Object reference not set to an instance of an object。When I Start Modbus Demo it shows:通常每个套接字地址(协议/网络地址/端口)只允许使用一次。
Thomas,what should I do?HELP!!!

It seems that you pushed read from Server. I am sorry this is our mistake, it was a test function. Reading from servers is currently not supported. Currently G4A only works as a Modbus Server. We are going to extend it to client functionality in the next 2 months. So don't press on Read from server.
Did you added the Modbus Data script to your signals to define the modbus adresses of the signals?

Hello Thomas
I didn't add scrip,I watch a video in Bilibili Web:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV17z4y1S7AV#reply5260302979
Can you open this URL and watch the video?Should I do as the video?I tried to connect to FX3U,I wish it like S7 Interface simple,I tried Modbus and OPCUA but failed。

Hello Thomas
I don't know much about Modbus and I always watch your video to connect PLC,can you make a video about Modbus using any PLC you have。I want to watch how modbus TCP set,and how to import signals to Modbus Interface。

Hello Thomas!
Can I read the value from a digital meter or temperature meter with Modbus Interface?
Now I need to get the reality values into unity,what should I do?I connect the meters to my computer。

Did you make modbus work as client?
I noticed that to work as a client it is necessary to enter with ip, port and id (station number, which is a modbus address).
The field for id is missing
Will you implement this?

Hello Juliano Cortes,as so far Game4automation only support Modbus TCP server。I want to communicate with FX3U,do you know how can I do it?Witch way should I do? Thanks for your reply。

Use FX3U as modbus master. I use commands IVWR and IWRD. I use a RS485/ethernet converter

Has the client been added? ( its a wee bit over 2 months) I see you are using easymodbus so hopefully it shouldn't be that problematic. It would be extremely useful as most will use G4A as a client.
Thanks for any update on this.

I also need to use Modbus TCP Client so I write it and upload here:

Hello Thomas,will you develop Modbus TCP client function in future?I wish I can use it,looking forward your reply。

For Modbus TCP/IP in Unity go to Modbustools.com and purchase the client. No license restrictions. License number is entered in script. Just include the DLL and you’re on your way. I used Unity for an HMI talking to a Do-More plc from Automation Direct. The client only cost about 200 dollars. Works great!! HMI screens turned out sweet. Made the HMI communication multithreaded for the Modbus client,which is like having two PCs asking for updates one after the other, and the HMI was the fastest responding I have ever seen in 40 years in the field. Good luck!

Just a note about the Mod bus documentation.
Modbus is either Master/Slave OR Client /Server.. This terms should not be mixed.
Client means Master Server means slave. Modbus has made this confusing!
You say "Currently realvirtual.io can be only used as a Modbus master. Client support will be added in one of the next releases." This does not make sense. Client is the Master.
I think what you have is server support or slave (passive) and it is driven by an outside Master or Client.

Here is the actual directive from Modbus about names conventions:
Customer support service by UserEcho
How to use Modbus on G4A side is described here:
G4A works as a Modbus server so your PLC needs to write and read from the modbus registers by some small PLC code. We don't have any knowledge about fx3u so you would need to take care about the fx3u side by yourself.
Best regards