
OPCUA_Interface with Kepserverex Windows 11 communication issue

Ernesto 2 years ago in OPCUA4Unity updated by Support 2 years ago 3

Dear all,

I experienced a problem when connecting with Kepserverex OPCUA server through OPCUA_Interface in windows 11.

When I specify the IP address in the OPCUA_Interface, the following error appears:

Image 918

Image 919

Looks like the problem is in line 133 of the OPCUA_Interface script: 

IPAddress ipAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry (ServerIP).AddressList[0];

If I remove this instruction, then the communication seems to be established.

Image 920

This issue doesn't happen when running the same version of Keperverex and Project Unity in Windows 10.

Have any one experienced this issue?

Thank you in advance!

Under review

Hi, I don't know this issue but we will check for the reason.

Best regards


Thank you Thomas. I look forward to your findings.

In addition, I'm experiencing huge lags because of the communications working in Windows 11 (removing the commented line 133 to allow communication with the Kepserverex):

Image 922

It should work like this (performance of the same project working in Windows 10):

Image 923

Any idea?

Thank you in advance!