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I have checked your project and solved the problem:

- I added an empty game object to the hierarchy

- add to the layer "rvSelection"

- moved the post process volume from the main camera to the empty game object.

Image 986

- added the scene in the build settings

Image 985

With this the build was successful. Please evaluate this on your version and let me if it works.

Kind regards


Hi, this is a non blocking step - this is why it is getting in a infinite loop.

Hi Markus,

we just need somebody who is able to test the WinMod interface. I is somewhere in our dev-branches. I can check and forward it to you. But your students should get in touch with us - we might need to debug via Teamviewer - because I am pretty sure that it is still buggy. Best regards Thomas

Hi - could you please post in English? Thanks

Can you send us your full project as a ZIP file and we will check.

You can upload it here:


Please tell us also the System (Windows, Linux, Mac?) and the Unity version you are using.

Your server is not accepting so many nodes per subscription. Please try reducing the MaxNumberOfNodesPerSubscription property.

Hi, it is not possible to use OPCUA in WebGL builds. This is a browser limitation. Browsers can only communicate via Websocket. OPCUA is not Websocket based.

I will check this - even if it is very unusual to talk with RoboDK based on OPCUA.

Hi, never tried to connect RoboDK with OPCUA. Why don't you use the direct RoboDK interface?

You should use a "Parent Drive" or the new Guided Transport Surface. This is due to limitations in combining Kimeatic Drives with Physical based TransportSurfaces. Please check the Demo model for Moving TransportSurfaces and the documentation here:


and if you would like to use Guided Tranport Surfaces here:
