Ihre Kommentare

Hallo Herr Klimecki,

das Verhalten ist mir unbekannt. Können Sie mir ein Simit Modell zur Verfügung stellen mit dem ich das Ganze ausprobieren kann. Wie äußert sich der Verbindungsabbruch in Game4Automation. Eigentlich müssten die Prozesse über das SHM komplett entkoppelt sein.


Thomas Strigl

OK but usually PLC Inputs should only be written by Unity and not read.

You could manually create your table using excel (in the form TIA Portal is creating the tables) or you could manually create the IOs in Unity. Please delete the spaces in the names so it should for example be "I5.0" and not "I    5.0"). Maybe this is also an issue.

Q... are PLCOutputs (which only can be read) and I.... are PLCInputs (which you can only write).

Usually during signal table import G4A should automatically create the type needed (PLCOutput.. or PLCInput...).

What I am wondering about are the spaces in the names / addresses. And your signal table looked different from the usual tia portal export. What kind of programming system are you using. Is it the old Step7? 

You need to define it as PLCOutput not as an Input.

Hi, it is hard to say what the problem is. Generally we only support and test with the latest Unity LTS Release (which is Version 2019.4). I am sure that you could get it running with 2020 but that might require some changes.

If you don't get it working with 2019 you could send me your project and I will check what the problem is.

Best regards


Hi Jacob,

if I understand you right you will need to have a limit to the number of monitored items per subscription. We could generate a new subsription when we are reaching this limit.

Currently there is only one subscription for an infinite number of monitored items.

If I understood you right we are going to put this into the next release. Planned for end of september.

Best regards


Nein leider nicht. Es gibt mehrere möglichkeiten einen Roboter bewegen zu lassen. Die beste ist eine externe Inverse Kinematik zu verwenden (RoboDK, ABBRobotStudio....) in der man die Roboterpositionen an einer Robotersteuerung teacht. Der Roboter in Unity ist dann mit den einzelnen Achsen der Robotersteuerung verbunden.

In Game4Automation selbst ist keine Inverse Kinematik enthalten. Hier kann man nur die einzelnen Achsen verfahren was relativ mühsam ist. Im Demomodell haben wir das so gemacht un in einer Unity-Animation die einzelnen Achspositionen festgelegt.

Hi, I just checked.

It is not possible but it will be feasible with some work. We are planning this for the next release. Because of summer vacation this will be available around end of September.

Best regards


I need to check next week if and how we can enable that.

Did you tried to create the PLCOutput object manually - instead of importing it via the symbol table?