Your comments

Hi, good idea. Currently all movements are controlled by the methods in IKPath, you can use these as a template for your own motion control. In difference to the Editor move mode you must somehow interpolate between the positions so that the speeds of the axis are not "jumping".In IKPath there is a public method "DriveToTarget" which is Starting the robot to drive to a target. Currently it is always done after last target is reached and maybe it does not works if you just start it at any time but in IKPath you should everything you need to know to control it from your side. There is also a difference if you move PTP (here only the drives are started to a destination position with the needed time of the slowest axis) or Linear (here the interpolation is done by IKPath in the Method PositionOnLinearPath).

Hi, I just checkted. You are right - when a bad status of a node occurs it is automatically disconnected. We are using LibUA as a core and this happens here in the core (ThreadTarget). I opened an issue in the LibUA Github and hope to get a solution there.

Hi, I am sorry. I don't have an answer to that out of the box. Yes we are using old (standard) input system. Maybe this collides with the XBOX Controller system. I don't know which kind of input system the XBOX Controller is using. Maybe you need to do changes within the game4automation folder in the scene, changing settings of the input module or changing things in the code of scene mouse navigation.

Hi, I will need to check in detail if we can improve the bad node handling.  Will let you know latest tomorrow if we have got a solution. 


So far there is no way for doing it. Usually we import the signals once and when we restart, we expect that all signals are there. What about implementing a special PLC counter which you could check and know that the connection is fully up and running?

Hi, currently we have only have Inputs and Ouputs and not a combination of both. You could define a PLCOutput with the current value and one PLCInput with a Set Value. So if you start Unity you can read the PLCOutput.


ich habe Ihnen eine Email mit einem aktualisierten Skript zukommen lassen. Ab dem nächsten Release ist die korrigierte Animation verfügbar.

Gruß Christin


danke für das Video, damit lies sich die Situation einfacher nachvollziehen. Die Animation der Fläche funktioniert aktuell beim Abbremsen der Surface nicht korrekt. Wir arbeiten hier an der Lösung.
Allerdings ist es auch nur die Animation, es hat somit keinen Einfluss auf die physikalische Abbildung des Transportes. Somit können sie normal weiterarbeiten.


Ok verstanden wir schauen es uns morgen nochmal an.