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Hello, is your problem solved. If not please send us your project and we will find the issue!

Best regards


Can you send us your project and I will check if we can find a way for working with visual effect praph?

If it comes up please send us your project. We would like to see what your problem is. We don't know so far this behavior..

Please follow the steps mentioned above - and send us your project if all that steps do not help!

Based on your description it is hard to say where your problem is. Did you followed these steps?


If these steps don't help please export us your project and we will look into it.

One more question. Why do you want to use Unity? What is your goal? You need to create some basic Unity knowledge to take advantage of the full power of it.

I am sorry. Unity is a sometimes a complicated thing. The error messages shows that it is not compiling on your Unity installation. I just tested with Solidworks and latest release in an empty project again and it worked without errors.

Please send us first your full project as a ZIP file so we can check what the problem is. If you are after that still not happy with our solution we have no problem to refund you the money. But I would like first try to solve your problem.  

Please use for further communication info@game4automation.com