Your comments
I understand that and will solve it as you have described.
If I find a good way to solve this I will let you know for your consideration.
Best wishes
Thank you for the quick support.
I real machines there is always this moment when parts are gripped by two components.
For PLC program tests it could be necessary to test what happens if the handing over doesn't work out (e.g. sensor failure). When process of home positioning is started it can happen that the part should stay at the first gripper. This isn't possible currently but I think it should be possible to achieve that by extending the Fixer/Grip/MU scripts. I haven't found the solution yet tho.
Hello Support,
thank you for the video and the support in this case.
This thread is corresponding the my other thread "Handing over MU between two grippers".
I think I need to clarify what I want to achieve a bit more.
Yes I wanted to use the Fixer function which is implemented into IKTarget.
So the robots are using Fixer to pick/place the MU and the round table is using Grip.
The RT gripping is controlled by PLC and the robots gripping is usually (as far as I know) controlled by the robot program itself in real machines. To me the new fixer function in IKTarget seemed to be created right for this case.
I am not sure why I needed to make the changes in the Fixer (script). But without the changes I couldn't make it work. The robot couldn't pick the MU with the fixer function in IKTarget while the MU was gripped by the Grip (Script).
Ofcourse I am sending you the project.
The bigger and physically unlogical problem is handing over between two grippers/fixers.
1. Gripper A is gripping/fixing the MU.
2. Now Gripper B is also gripping the MU. The new parent for the MU is Gripper B now.
Now we are testing home positioning process by PLC program.
3. Gripper B opens gripping. Gripper A is still gripping the MU and now the MU should change parent to Gripper A.
But currently in simulation the MU is just falling down / not in parent with Gripper A.
I couldn't find an easy solution yet for this by editing Fixer/Grip/MU scripts.
After writing my question I got an idea. Griping and fixing work now with the following changes in the fixer script.
This change stops double list of Mus in MUS Entered.
Now the fixer can fix Mus even if they are fixed by a grip script.
Please verify if this changes are okay and please take a look on my first question above.
if I use PLCSim Advanced I can read/write signals which are used in hardware configuration? I don't understand where the difference is between PLCSim and PLCSimAdvanced.
How is the behaviour if I use a real PLC. Is there also the problem that signals used in hardware configuration can't be changed?
Thank you!
Hi Thomas,
I would like to bring up this old thread again.
1. Do you know why the hardware configured signals can't be changed by realvirtual?
2. Do you know if other simulation software tools have the same problem?
I'm asking because I'm interested in the suggested way how to solve this in the PLC program. The real machine works with the configured Inputs/Outputs.
This means that there is some additional program work necessary in the PLC program. for e.g. mapping to markers and use markers in the simulation.
At the same time I think no machine builder is happy about more coding at the PLC program to make a simulation possible.
I thought I can do a workaround by using the property "Parent Before Fix" but it's not updated in the MU script when MU get gripped by two grip scripts.
Looking forward for your solution. ;-)
I realized that the Property of MU (Script) "Parent Before Fix" doesn't get updated between handover of two Grip (Scripts).
Gripper 1: St.20_RobotGripper
Gripper 2: RT_Pos2_Gripper
Thank you for any advices.
I wanted to add that I think the function to move around MUs and the possibility to delete them by "DEL" keyboard button is necessary to manipulate situations to solve problems without restarting the simulation during test runs.
Looking forward for your solution. I guess it will be much more better than my solution if I get one.
Customer support service by UserEcho
I have sent you the project.
Thank you for your help!