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Hi Thomas,

I would like to bring up this old thread again.

1. Do you know why the hardware configured signals can't be changed by realvirtual?

2. Do you know if other simulation software tools have the same problem?

I'm asking because I'm interested in the suggested way how to solve this in the PLC program. The real machine works with the configured Inputs/Outputs.

This means that there is some additional program work necessary in the PLC program. for e.g. mapping to markers and use markers in the simulation.

At the same time I think no machine builder is happy about more coding at the PLC program to make a simulation possible.


I thought I can do a workaround by using the property "Parent Before Fix" but it's not updated in the MU script when MU get gripped by two grip scripts.

Looking forward for your solution. ;-)

I realized that the Property of MU (Script) "Parent Before Fix" doesn't get updated between handover of two Grip (Scripts).

Image 1161

Gripper 1: St.20_RobotGripper

Gripper 2: RT_Pos2_Gripper

Thank you for any advices.

I wanted to add that I think the function to move around MUs and the possibility to delete them by "DEL" keyboard button is necessary to manipulate situations to solve problems without restarting the simulation during test runs.

Looking forward for your solution. I guess it will be much more better than my solution if I get one.

Deleting and re-importing the realvirtual.io asset did solve the problem apparently. 

Thank you for your help!

Good morning,

For some reason I have much trouble with this simple behaviour. 

In the demo the box gets lifted out by a drive in linear Y direction. This is what I want without the further guided transport. If I delete the guided transport gameobject in the LiftOut then the lifting stops working.

What Am I missing? 

Hello Thomas,

I have checked your mentioned demos several times but I still don't understand why it isn't working. I have a guided-transport system and want to stop and lift MUs on it.

Image 1144

The Problem ist that the MU is shaking during the lift. 

What I see is that the 'Configurable joint' component on MU gets detroyed when the lift is done. After lowering the MU back to guided transport the 'Configurable joint' doesn't get recreated and the transport of the MU doesn't work anymore.

I played also around with the Raycast Length of the GuidedMU. But no success.

Thank you for your help, Viktor!

It does work out but I don't exactly understand why. Before that I did a work-around with the grip-script. But it felt kinda wrong.

This is the code that I used:

Image 1140

This script is a component of the lifter.

I wanted to keep the parent of the MU and move it back to it after the lifting is done. What happens is that the MUs stay under the original parent gameobject the whole time and are never a child object of the lifter.

As soon as it gets lifted the configurable-joint of the MU gets destroyed and appears back after lifting is done.

But the box colliders of MU and lifter never collide actually. I try to demonstrate it on the following picture.

Image 1141

For info it's just an experimental project for demonstrationen purposes. ;-)

I didn't find the solution for my second question in the demo "DemoGuidedTransport".

I changed it to only TransportGuided (Script) instead of mixing it up but if I lift the MU in front of the stopper then the MU is shaking/jumping on the lifter. Even if the Drive is stopped.

If I change the property "Raycast Length" of "Guided MU (Script)" to 0.1 then it works better but after lowering the lifter again the MU doesn't get moved by the transport system anymore.

The "configurable joint" component of the MU gets destroyed during lifting and doesn't get created after lowering back on the transportsystem in this case.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.