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S7 interface plc input write error CPU : Function not available

JO SG vor 4 Jahren in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional aktualisiert von Support vor 4 Jahren 6

Helo. Im trying to connect s7-1200 with game4automation. I saw the tutorial video and the https://game4automation.com/documentation/current/s7tcpip.html.

I followed all the process but still not working with this signs keep cycling.

Image 278

Image 277

I successfully checked the connection and added sdf file as well.

S7 interface plc input write error CPU : Function not available

I don't know how to solve this problem. Thank you.



Hi, sorry for my late response. We needed first to support the open issues of our professional customers.

I checked your project but it seems that I don't have all data to be able to reproduce your problem. I would need your full S7 project. And you need to tell me which scene to open and what else to do to get the same problems as you do. Thanks.

Wird überprüft

There are errors in your console log. Please send the full log.

UnassignedReferenceException: The variable ObjectsWithHiddenSubobjects of Game4AutomationController has not been assigned.

You probably need to assign the ObjectsWithHiddenSubobjects variable of the Game4AutomationController script in the inspector.

game4automation.Global.GatherObjects (UnityEngine.GameObject root) (at Assets/game4automation/private/Global.cs:201)

game4automation.Global.HideSubObjects (UnityEngine.GameObject target, System.Boolean hide) (at Assets/game4automation/private/Global.cs:390)

game4automation.Game4AutomationController.HideSubObjects (UnityEngine.GameObject target, System.Boolean hide) (at Assets/game4automation/private/Game4AutomationController.cs:556)

game4automation.Game4AutomationController.UpdateAllLockedAndHidden () (at Assets/game4automation/private/Game4AutomationController.cs:464)

game4automation.Game4AutomationController.OnEnable () (at Assets/game4automation/private/Game4AutomationController.cs:732)

Thank you for the reply Dr.Thomas

I didn't notice that error. and I see it now.

The error is this.

(The others are from steamVR that I didnt connect the HMD.)

This could be the problem for not having connection with PLC?

im not sure i can handle this problem myself. Thank you again.
(Im a student in korean univ doing projects with your cool game4automation assets in small group circle studying automation&digital twin.
game4automation really helps a lot to me with those activities! i appreciate your hard works for these things that I can learn many things.)

That errors are gone. and new one came out.

I think I figured it out that my s7-1200 cpu's PDU length is not enough for running?
(Requested Pdu Length is 480, s7-1200 is 240.)

or I got it wrong.
There is no any error logs for now. but still not working.

If this is the case try to increase the ReducedMaxPduLength.

The Value NegotiatedPdLuLength - ReducedPDuLength is used for the maximum length of the communication pdu. 

If you don't succeed please send us your S7 project including your G4A Project.

Please  follow https://forum.game4automation.com/de/knowledge-bases/2/articles/191-sending-us-your-game4automation-project-for-support for information how to send us the project.

I sent the project.
Thank you!


Hi, sorry for my late response. We needed first to support the open issues of our professional customers.

I checked your project but it seems that I don't have all data to be able to reproduce your problem. I would need your full S7 project. And you need to tell me which scene to open and what else to do to get the same problems as you do. Thanks.