
Best practice for hiding gameobjects in scene and game mode

MarkH 5 days ago in General Questions updated by Support 5 days ago 1

I converted a large CAD assembly of a machine to gameobjects. Many of these gameobjects, like the machine's enclosure, block the visibility of other gameobjects inside the machine.

I want to be able to change the visibility of these gameobjects and I want to learn what would be the best practice.

At the moment I created layers to group the gameobjects that I want to show/hide by showing/hiding the layer. This works for scene mode and also for game mode when I set the required culling mask on the camera. Would this be the best practice or would there a better way to do this?

The problem starts when I enable object selection in the realvirtual controller. All gameobjects will be visible in game mode when this option is enabled, without taking the culling mask into account. What should I do to only show the gameobject that I want in game mode?


We are usually using our Groups for Hiding things (using the SelectionWindow). We are currently working on an UI where you can also select the Groups to Hide or Display in Runtime but this is not released yet.