Ihre Kommentare

I think you will need to delete fully old OPCUA folder and then import the new unitypackage.

I think usually you should not use linear guides because physical friction is always a little bit problematic.

You can use your own custom physics material in the collider:

Hi, is there any interface inside which is trying to reconnect every 10 seconds?

You can use the Unity profiler to check what happens in the very slow frames:


Best regards


The documentation for developers is here:

We will soon release (in about 4 Weeks) a special Unity Package (realvirtual.io Imverse) bringing some special things which makes it really easy to place realvirtual.io Models into an AR environment on the MetaQuest3.

The issue is solved. Will be in the next release 2022.10.


we are currently updating this section of our documentation. It will be available on Monday, February 5th, 2024.

Regards Christin

Please monitor the frame rate development. In the Game window, you can find this information under 'Stats.' Extended runtimes may potentially lead to issues. Feel free to provide us with your scene for testing.

Regards Christin