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The issue is solved in a beta package, which is available to our customers. Will be included in the next release (upcoming 2022.10).

Hi, I am still working on it. For the moment there is no workaround. I am trying to get this week a solution.

Thanks a lot - which version are you using. In the current release we are able to build to Android? The compiler define  of your work around is a solution - in current release it should be solved by the assembly definition.

Hi, I am on it but still no solution - will continue tomorrow.

Best regards



I was able to repeat this behaviour in my environment and passed it on to my colleagues to look for a solution.

Regards Christin


I have setup the situation as you described. 
The settings in my Grip-script are the following:

Image 998

With this settings it works when you switch between pick and place during the game mode. The Fixer only keep the MU if the gripper is set to place. The gripper always holds the higher priority.

According to your screen shots I'm not quite sure how the picking was able to work because there is no pick mode defined.

(for this have a closer look in out documentation: Grip - realvirtual.io User Documentation (gitbook.com).

Kind regards 
