Your comments

In our experience, IL2CPP compilation is often very problematic - this is often needed for WebGL and Hololens. Could we get the complete log file when building? Please also try closing Unity and deleting the Library folder and then reopening Unity so that everything is recreated.

Can we test this by installing your OPCUA server on our side or getting somehow remote access to your server?

Drive Limits should be respected in IK mode. I need to check but also in IK mode each solution is checked and if a point in the path is not reachable there should  be a message. Will get back to you soon when I have checked the issue.


yes through the PLC might be a good choice. Do you know any kind of protocol we could use to communicate with Fanuc Roboguide?

We have implemented a correction value for each target to address the inaccuracies in the inverse kinematics (ik) algorithm. In edit mode, the user must press the SetCorrection button (multiple times, if necessary) while the robot is positioned at the target. This action calculates the difference between the desired position and the actual tool center point (tcp) position, taking into account any inaccuracies in the algorithm. The correction value will then be applied to future movements along the defined paths. I am sending a patch in a private message for review; if it is deemed acceptable, it will be included in the next release.

Image 828

Hi, I checked the issue. You are right - it is jumping slightly at each target.

It seems the the IK algorithm has some inaccuracy and we get a misalignment of up to 5mm at each target. This is the reason for the jump. We think that calculated tcppos by ik == wished tcppos.

As a solution I currently only see to implement a correctional vector at each target and to optionally safe the correctional vector as soon as you teach the point. We also need to start the next path from the latest wished tcp and not the real tcp based on the current tcp transform position. Because putting in the current real tcp will result in the jump due to the inaccuracy. The changes might take some time - I think I can send you a beta next Monday.

Best regards


Hi, Parts4CAD is already included in Starter. If I understood you right you added it via the asset store.

After Starter package installation you should have this menu

Image 827

As soon as you select Cadenas parts4cad the needed addtional executables are loaded into the streaming assets folder.

Path is the location in the control plane of the CPU. Most of the time "1,0".