Your comments


I've found a new bug (when using your version). When letting the transport surface go up and down a few times the transport surface moves more than the rest of the lift.

With the new file the carrier drops through the transport unit. I've reverted back to the previous version of the file and everything is fine again, exept the rotation.

What happens is that it rotates around the y axis when transferring from 1 transport surface to the other and becomes stuck. Also, the freeze rotation will uncheck after a little bit of transporting. 

Thanks, I was planning on trying that first! I have moved the transport surface of the pusher down by 0,002 and now the error doesn't happen anymore. Just to be sure i've also locked rotation in the x and z direction. When it is in a gripper, does this lock also apply? else I will get a problem in my warehouse.

So i would have to add this script to my  mu's to make it work? Do you happen to have an example scene i can use for reference? From the video's it looks like it might be what i need, if it works with a rotating transport surface as well.

Could you give a little more info on this script? It looks like your video's work perfectly, but i can't understand what this script does exactly (and how it works) by just reading the code.


Collision bug 2.mkv

Collision bug 3.mkv

You can see here that it turns when going from one unit to another (i dont even know why?) and then clips into the wall launching it upward.

If it just goes straight there would be no problem i think.

I've send a video where you can see what happens when i play the test scene.

I cannot upload the file since it is 300mb, but i cant find the data transfer link anymore... Could you send it to me?