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If you bought it over the Unity Asset Store you should see it in the PackageManager under MyAssets:

Image 886

If you purchased it from us directly you can login here:


You will find the login information on your invoice (if you did NOT purchased over the Unity Asset Store).

We are working on this and check if we can support certificates. Will let you know next week.

Hi, which version of Unity are you using. Are you working on a Windows System or Mac or Linux?


this currently not possible within a build using realvirtual. You have this possibility only within unity by using the DriveRecorder. Within such a recording you can jump to certain frames. A speed multiplier is available when you start your scene in unity game mode. Using the speed multiplier within a replay of the recordering is currently not possible. 
You could implement this on your own because our code is open to do so.

Regards Christin


when you Build your realvirtual scene the animation can be started, zoom with the mouse wheel and rotate by pressing the right mouse button. Just test it.

Regards Christin


to export an animation, you can use the Unity Recorder.  (https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.recorder@2.0/manual/index.html ) The recorder creates an mp4 file of everything that happens during game mode.
If your scene contains PLC connections and you want to record them and then play them back without active PLC connections, you can use the DriveRecorder and the MURecorder, which is currently part of our latest release. Unfortunately, we still have to create the documentation for both recorders. They were new in the last release. The documentation update will be available by the end of this week.

Regards Christin