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This is where you need scripting because you can't start two different functions with one signal. Usually in PLC programming you are saving the state, e.g. State = "MUEntry" or State = "MUExit".

With Unity you need to learn C# if you want to do complex logics inside of Unity. Or you connect a real PLC - but programming a real PLC is even more complicated than C# inside Unity. So if you know Python it should be straight forward to learn C# basics. There are plenty of C# docs out there.

Now you make certain parts of your logic just run based on the State e.g. (please note this is NOT the full code for your problem, it is just showing the approach).

if (State == "MUEntry") 


    LinearMovement.Value = true; // Signal for linear Movement    


if (State == "MUExit")


   RotationMovement.Value = true; // Signal for rotation Movement.



to your questions:


You can attach a DriveSimple behavior model to the Drive (see here https://doc.realvirtual.io/components-and-scripts/motion/drive-behavior#drive-simple) and connect a PLCOutputBool to Forward. If the PLCOutput will be TRUE the drive/conveyor will move and if it is FALSE the drive/conveyor will stop. Please also check the demo scene here - you will see there an example: https://doc.realvirtual.io/basics/demo-model


I think you mean for example rotating conveyors. You need to use ParentDrive function (see here https://doc.realvirtual.io/components-and-scripts/motion/transportsurface#transport-surfaces-and-unity-physics). You find examples for that in the demo scene  TurningAndLiftingTransportSurface which can be found here: Assets/game4automation/Scenes/TurningAndLiftingTransportSurface.unity


see also 2) for making a system like in the video shown move you need to use C# Scripting or Playmaker or LogicSteps (only in Professional) and you consider the ParentDrive thing which is mentioned in 2)


I don't understand the question but you can decide how to rotate the turntable by moving it forward and backward. You could also use for a turntable this https://doc.realvirtual.io/components-and-scripts/motion/drive-behavior#drive_cylinder and by one or two PLCOutputBool you could move the turntable forward and backwards whenever you like. DriveSequence is not able to do complex things. Here you really need to use Sripting or Playmaker.

Hope this helps.


Could you please precise your question a little bit more? What is important is, that the zero point of your transport surface is in the zero point of the rotation you want to achieve.

Yes, the source is when duplicating itself automatically unfreezing all restrictions (because we have frozen them for the source itself to prevent the source to move). For the moment only possiblity is to set the restrictions after MU creation via code. We will think about a solution for the next release. 

This happens if you move the things a very long time. Seems to be related to the Physics engine. In our Simulation Conveyor Library we implemented for this an option to align the MUs on entry on a conveyor. You would need to solve this by code or give the rigidbodys of a MU a constraint so that they are not able to turn.

Hi, do you have more information about that. Can you tell us how we can reproduce and test your problem?


Please make sure that the MUs and the pusher have sufficient colliders. Nevertheless, the elements must be on certain  layers: MU --> g4aMU; Pusher --> g4aTransport.(set in the inspector) The current parameter of the collider interaction you'll find here: Edit/Projectsettings/Physics.

Let me know if this solves the issue.

I am not shure if this is the problem but when fixing with signals - fixer is only doing things when signal is changing from low to high. so fixer should move in - then fix signal should get high (while unfix needs to be kept low) and then the part should be gripped.

Please check the demo , they should give you some examples how it works

Image 871

We removed release on collssion non MU in latest release and also did some changes on the Fixer. Please check with the latest version (2021.16). There should also be a solution for your situation how you can solve it without "Release on collission non MU". You should update because in some signal conditions fixer did not worked properly in versions before 2021.16.

Hmmm - I can't reproduce your behavior. Do you have example projects where we can see that?