Your comments
Hi, you could implement your own "Behavior Model" for the Articulated body with a public PLCInputFloat.
In the fixedupdate of your code you write MyPlcInputFloat.Value = ArticulatedBody.Rotation .
This is just dummy code but I think you know how to get the correct rotation of your articulated body.
Hi, the "home" position (=position in Editor Mode) for our IK must be always this
Otherwise the IK will not work.
Ideally this would be also the OPCUA Positions where each drive has Position 0. If not you can work with Offsets in the Drives. But youh should only use Offsets for OPCUA and not for our included inverse kinematics.
Maybe it is best to define two robots. One using our IK with the correct settings and one getting the Axis values over OPCUA.
If you thing that our IK is doing something wrong (your last picture) - please send us your project where we can check this to:
Please only include what we really need and set the scene to a situation where we can see directly your problem.
So the axis positions are coming over OPCUA with a DriveFollowPosition? Easiest way is to position the axis in the OPCUA 0 Value position. But also Offset should work. Can you explain a little bit more your setup?
Hi, how long took it in total? Yes our Step file is not always very fast and it could happen that you need to wait more than 15mins for bigger files.
Hi, could you send us your file, we need to report the problem to our DLL supplier. Please send it here:
Hi, for free joints you should use Unity Physic Joints, for fixed position controlled drive you should use our Drives - which are not using Physics. It is not possible to add our Drive to the Encoder you are showing.
Normally this issue occurs if your axis coordinate systems are not set as they should.
Did you used this empty prefab which helps you for doing this (orientation of the coordinate systems of the 1st axis and no relative rotation in the sub axis)?
the "OnExit" event of the sensor is triggered when a MU exits the sensor. If I understand correctly, you’ve attached the sensor as a component of the MU. In that case, it won’t work as intended.
We won’t be changing this in the release because the for-each
loops account for the fact that a single MU can consist of multiple colliders, which the sensor may detect.
I recommend the following approach: place the sensor as a standalone GameObject at the end of your conveyor and use it to trigger your script.
Alternatively, you could use Unity's standard OnCollisionExit
method on your own component attached to your MU.
Best regards
Customer support service by UserEcho
will check it later, but would be in the evening. Received a license and will need to check.
Best regards