Your comments
It seems to be a bug. I am checking it. Best regards Thomas
Hier sind immer alle Versionen (über die Unity Rechnungsnummer oder unsere Rechungsnummer) herunterladbar:
Wenn die passenden Versionen zusammen sind muss es funktionieren. Falls ein Problem auftritt bitte melden - notfalls machen wir ein Teams Support Meeting.
I am sending you an updated sensor script, is fixed in the next upcoming release.
And for the configurable joint - it is destroyed when no guided transport is detected any more and it is only created if a "new" (not the old one again) guided transport is detected.
The shaking occurs because the guided transport system is attempting to keep the Moving Unit (MU) aligned with the line, leading to a logical 'collision' between lifting it and its collider while maintaining alignment with the line. This is the reason for the shaking. Using a normal collider to lift it out will not be effective. Why not use a second guided transport, similar to the lift in the demo scene, to lift it out?
wir sind nicht mit diesem spezifischen Problem vertraut, da wir keine direkte Erfahrung mit WinCC haben. Allerdings würde ich vorschlagen, zu überprüfen, ob das Modell in einem reinen WebGL-Build funktioniert. Das können Sie testen, indem Sie im Unity Editor auf "Build & Run" klicken. Dadurch sollte sich ein Browserfenster öffnen, das einen kleinen Unity-internen Webserver nutzt, um die HTML-Seite anzuzeigen. Wenn dies funktioniert, liegt das Problem wahrscheinlich an der Integration oder Kompatibilität mit WinCC. Ich empfehle auch, die CSS-Einstellungen zu überprüfen und zu variieren, da eventuell dadurch die Darstellung in WinCC beeinträchtigt wird.
Hi Andreas,
This is Thomas from realvirtual. I’m having a bit of difficulty following your current activities and the issues you're encountering. I believe you can achieve your objectives without resorting to scripting.
Here are some key points and basic information to consider:
- Raycast Length: This setting determines the raycast's length for detecting colliders, which is crucial for connecting to guided transports. You may need to adjust this according to your specific geometry.
- Transportsurfaces and GuidedTransports: These components do not perform any reparenting actions.
- Handling Objects: In our tests, we've managed to transfer objects from a TransportSurface and reintroduce them using a Gripper Script. You can refer to this process in our demonstration model located at
. - Using Multiple Guided Transports: Another approach is to employ an additional GuidedTransport to lift items from an existing one. Check out the example in
. - Scripts Managing Reparenting: Only the Gripper and Fixer Scripts are designed to manage reparenting and move the MUs out of physical control.
I hope this information is helpful to you.
Best regards, Thomas
Hi there,
We are always happy to help! While we can't create videos for all new hardware and software updates, we highly value the support and feedback from our customers. Could you please provide more details about the specific issues you're encountering with the S7 Connection Tutorial and TIA Portal V19? Basically nothing should be different in TIA V19 or PLCSimAdvenced. This will help us understand your needs better.
Best regards
Thanks, we know this issue - it is already fixed - if you need a beta you can get access - otherwise it will be fixed in about 1 week with the next official release.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Please uncomment for the moment these lines, and it should work. We are checking how to proceed with the next release: